HEX is hosting a🥫FOOD DRIVE🥫for the Maryland Food Bank. When you pick-up your HEX Order at our production space and the farmers markets please consider donating nutritious, non-perishable food items. Our goal is to “Fill the Tank!” Which is 350#s of non-perishable food items.
For every 3 nutritious, non-perishable food items you donate, you’ll receive a raffle ticket to be entered in our Baltimore Eateries and Producers Giveaway - a seriously delicious collection of gift cards and snacks to enjoy now and when restaurants re-open. See below who is participating! NO PURCHASE OF HEX NECESSARY to be entered in the raffle - just 3 items!
See our Food Drive story for updates on most needed items and “Fill the Tank” progress. Let’s top 350#s!
Raffle Prize Donations from the following Baltimore Businesses:
Clavel - $50 Gift Card
Larder - $50 Gift Card
Union Craft Brewing - $40 Gift Card
Well Crafted Kitchen - 1 Free Pizza and 2 Free non-alcoholic beverages
Motzi Bread - 3 Month Bread Subscription
Jinji's Pure Chocolate - Chocolate!
Ejji Ramen - Gift Card
Prigel Family Creamery - Gift Card
Le Comptoir du Vin - Tote bag with goodies (we hear wine is involved ;)
Angels Ate Lemons - $50 Gift Card
Foraged - $100 Gift Card
Micheles Granola - Granola!
HEX Ferments - HEX Tote with a copy of Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz
Winners will be chosen on IG Live when we reach our goal, notification will be via the contact info you provide on your raffle ticket.
The Maryland Food Bank has been feeding more than double the number of Marylanders compared to this time last year. Please check out mdfoodbank.org for ways you can help and see how the MD Food Bank is taking action to fight hunger in Maryland.